made in new zealand
Ecopanel is quite simply a better way to build.
Ecopanel Structural Insulated Wall System is a complete prefabricated wall solution, crafted in factory controlled conditions, right here in New Zealand. With Ecopanel you get a complete solution, that delivers structural framing, insulation, and exterior weather tightness in a solid, one-piece panelised wall, delivered and installed.
You don’t need to worry about your timber frames and insulation exposed to the weather for weeks before the linings can be added. You also don’t need to worry about whether you will achieve the best performance out of your investment in energy-efficient design and materials. With Ecopanel, we take the guesswork out of achieving healthy, energy-efficient homes.
why choose ecopanel?
Ecopanel is a complete solution, a complete wall delivered onsite preassembled, weathertight, and ready to install.
Ecopanel can be made to align with PassiveHaus methodologies.
Ecopanel ensures optimal thermal performance, moisture management, and reduction of thermal bridging.
Ecopanel is a bespoke, crafted to your unique design.
Ecopanel is crafted to ensure dryness of the materials.
Ecopanel installation is quick, taking the house from slab to weather-tight in a week, or less.
Ecopanel does not contain polystyrene, polyisocyanurate, or polyurethane foam insulation.
Ecopanel uses less timber and produces less waste than SIPS or traditional stick framing.
Ecopanel is safe and non-toxic. None of the materials are on the Declare Red List of toxic building materials.
Ecopanel materials are sourced from companies who use sustainable and regenerative practices.
Ecopanel combines efficiencies of prefabrication with bespoke craftsmanship and environmentally responsible construction, providing affordable, sustainable, and non-toxic solutions for your home.

demonstrated performance
Ecopanel is crafted from some of the world’s best design and materials ensuring optimal thermal performance, moisture management, and reduction of thermal bridging. Features include:
Proclima Intello Plus layer offering airtightness and internal vapour control reducing energy loss through the thermal envelope so the home requires far less energy to heat and cool. It also protects the structure and insulation layer from moisture, keeping it free from mould, decay, corrosion, and rot.
The structural plywood bracing so the horozontal dwangs can be removed. This reduces thermal bridging in the frame and allows full length insulation.
Proclima Exstasana provides exterior weathertightness.
Width of the wall can be specified within a range of 90 mm to 190 mm with or without an internal serice cavity.
Internal service cavity ensures minimal disruption to the insulation to provide optimal thermal performance. it also provides an extra layer of insulation to add to the wall thickness.
It’s our mission to preserve your health, care for our communities, and protect New Zealand’s future - one house at a time.
Contact us today if you would like to learn more.